Henning Christiansen
Stefan Bremer
Henning Christiansen
CD-udgivelse af "Übersinnliches Gelächter" og "1. Maj Vögel"
Side 1 af 2
Henning Christiansen
Fra: antiart@web.de
Til: “Henning Christiansen" henning-christiansen@mail.dk
Sendt: 7. december2006 18:52
Emne: Re: mama bar-bab
Dear Mr. Christiansen,
first of all many thanks for allowing me to release some of your music!!
Sorry for my delay in response, but I was very busy the last days.
I already had a train ticket to Kassel, but due to some family problems (not really bad but still some trouble),
I unfortunately could not make it there....
Hope your performance was a great success and that you enjoyed this evening!
Thanks also for the nice CD you sent me, maybe I will release it as bonus CD for the LP.
Do you have any idea about the artwork for the LP cover?
I would like to use this photo of the laughing Joseph Beuys (from the Harlekin book with the same title), but maybe not as front cover (but on the inner sleeve or labels).
After now listening several times to the "Uebersinnliches Gelaechter" tape, I am still not sure if both sides contain the same material or if they are different. Please let me know about this, so I know if I have to make a double LP set or a single LP.
Best regards
P.S.: I am (so far) not an artist, just a record collector and music enthusiast. But I hope to start making some music on my own very soon - lots of ideas and sounds that have to go out of my mind!
...Ursprüngliche Nachricht---
Von: "Henning Christiansen" henning-christiansen@mail.dk
Gesendet: 12.11.06 15:51:31
An: antiart@web.de
Betreff: mama bär-bab
dear Stefan berger: Wörthstr 24, 65185 Wiesbaden, deabout mama bär etc. for shur etc. for shuh on and walk away sninging. JETZ:
Alles was passiert in Zeit ist Music - dass heisst:
ALLES IST MUSIC, but: youdonthavetocallitmusic OK
Stafan B.
Michael Berger Fluxeum:
[s. 2]
Side 2 af 2
dear Brems - von HC –
übersinnliches gelächter da henning-go : O.K. do what you
want to do ! "Ich bin Einverstanden" but tell me what happen . show me was kommt ! best regards hc
mail: henning-christiansen@mail.dk
Grüsse an ute und michael berger from Ursula und henning
M0N dk. see you in kassel 26.nov 06 (René Addè)
program: Oh :it de parade da fluxus - go on. go home.
Stefan Bremer
Woerthstr. 24
65185 Wiesbaden
Tel.: 00 49 - (0) 61 03 - 37 29 005
Omtalte genstande
"Übersinnliches Gelächter", "1. Maj Vögel".