Henning Christiansen
Henning Christiansen
Benjamin Bar-Am
Modeller/Perceptive Constructions
denmark d 6/12-66
Dear Mr. Benjamin Bar - Am,
The pianist Elisabeth Klein has told me that you like my “modeller’ and of course I am happy to hear such talk.
She asked me to send 10 copies of it. But now, I can only give 4 expl. Because of money. But instead of 11 pieces there are now 20 and it make a differens, you see I am walking with this clear – form princip, and I want to have a good relation or should I better say connection to time.
I do hope that this work will grow up to hundreds of different pieces.
I have made bigger things, and I send you one of them: Perceptive Constructions. It is my first edited piece and I am happy for the lay-out, isn’t it beautiful?
If you want to play the piece in Tel Aviv then you shall know that parts can be ordered by the editor. Partitur is the same as parts.
I will be very glad to get some information about what is happening in Israel. If there are good new music. You only have to send small Information I mean, do not use a lot of time in writing letter.
But DUT (ISCM) denmark, where I am a member of the jury are very interested in such information.
best regards
Henning Christiansen
Jenslev pr. Kirke-Hyllinge