The Henning Christiansen Archive 1960-1980
Works of art
Search results: 139

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"Einige Irdische"
Desillusion BOSSA NOVA
Op. 1, Ouverture for strygere

Op. 2, Rapsodi for klarinet i B og orkester

Op. 3, Clarinet-suite

Op. 4 Ungdomssonaten Klaversonate

Op. 5, Sange

Op. 6, EOS Koncert Ouverture (Morgenrøde)

Op. 7a, Trio

Op. 7b, Trio

Op. 8, 7 Epigrammer for klaver

Op. 8a, 4 Telegrammer

Op. 9, Quintetto infernale

Op. 10, Quintetto espressione