
Henning Christiansen



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Awaiting summary



Eight Melville Crescent,
Edinburgh, EH3 7NB.
Telephone 031 225 1050
031 226 6502

1st April, 1971.

Don’t you think the new Membership Form is certainly well designed especially when it is filled in! If the Gallery is in a much stronger position than it was before the 1970 Festival, it is to a large extent because since then we have increased our Membership of the Friends Organisation by 600. It is essential that the Gallery does not begin to depend on the support of the public from one source, that is Arts Council Funds, though they are most generous. The Gallery has to be seen to be supported by the public which it serves, and the Friends of the Gallery is by far and away the most positive proof that the Gallery flourishes by the wish of so many private individuals who constitute the society from which the Gallery grows and to which it is dedicated.

I am delighted that I have been able in the past to send you regular information about the Gallery’s exhibitions and activities. Unfortunately, due to increased postal and printing costs it will be impossible to continue to send this to you unless you are willing to contribute to our costs by becoming a Friend of the Gallery. We will send you our May calendar, but must hear from you before 14th May if you wish to remain on our mailing list.

Please will you complete the form and send it with your cheque to the Gallery, or preferably complete the Banker's Order section at the bottom of the form.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Demarco.


The Friends of the Richard Demarco Gallery
Membership Form

Please tear off and return the whole of this page including the Banker’s Order to the Hon Secretary
The Friends of the Richard Demarco Gallery
8 Melville Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7NB

I wish to join the Friends of the Richard Demarco Gallery as
[ ] Patron £ 50 or over
[ ] Corporate Member £ 25 or over
[ ] Group £ 20
[ ] Ordinary Member £ 2.10
[ ] Husband and Wife Joint Members £ 3.15
[ ] Student Member £ 1.05
[ ] Juvenile Member £ 0.50
I enclose cash/cheque for £ made payable to the Friends of the Richard Demarco Gallery, being the amount of the subscription for one year.

Usual signature

Name and style to appear on Membership Card.
Please state whether this should be made out for husband and wife.
Mr/Mrs/Miss ………………………………………………………………………………………
address ……………………………………………………………………………………………….


Banker’s Order

To ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name and address of Bank ………………………………………………………………..

Please pay to the account of the Friends of the Richard Demarco Gallery (Account No. 895-443) at The Bank of Scotland, 133 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AL.
the sum of £ on
and annually thereafter on the same date until further notice.
Date ………………………………………………………………………………………………
signed …………………………………………………………………………………………….





The Richard Demarco Gallery Ltd.
8 Melville Crescent
Edinburgh EH3 7NB

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