
Henning Christiansen


Author/Key figure

Henning Christiansen

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1. In the days when you have nothing to do
in in the days when you have nothing - -
then try look round you and see how the world is.
In days when you have nothing to do.

2. In the the days when you have nothing to do
In the days..............................
then look after a girl who could make it
ln the days when you have nothing to do.

3. In the days when you have nothing to do.
in the days..............................
and if there isn’t no girls then try make your self.
In days when you have nothing to do.

4. In the days when you have nothing to do
in the days..............................
When your parents see you walking around they will tell you something to do.
In the days when you have nothing to do.

In the days when you have nothing to do
in the days..............................
then make a song like we do like we do.
ln the days when we have nothing to do.




HC arkiv Møn/HC breve 6