
Henning Christiansen


Author/Key figure

Eric Andersen

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Perform something (f. ex. Gyorge Ligeti: “Trois bagatelles”) at intervals (f. ex. a half an hour) for a long time. (f. ex. 7 h.)

performed first time 7/6-63


version A: for an excellent eudience

Performers: 1. “A": reading
2. “B”; “C” etc.: making noise, actions etc.

1. Tell the audience to centre on:
either: the reading by “A“
or : The noise, actions etc. by “B”,”C” etc.

2. Tell the audience that if it becomes impossible for one of them to centre on only that thing he has chosen, he must get on his feet and say: “start from the beginning, please”.

3. “A“ read something for the audience and each time a person says: “start from the beginning, please”, “A” reads from the beginning once again."

4. The composition is finished, when “A” has finished the reading.

The audience has to be placed sitting.


opus 6 SINE NOMINE performed first time: 23/4-6

Tell the audience that they are going to hear a piece of music, and ask them to choose between the following three pieces:

1. Adagio - Andante - Allegretto – Allegro
2. Adagio - Allegro - Adagio – Presto
3. Allegro - Presto - Andante - Allegro

Tell the audience that if some of the pieces are going to get the same number votes, they will both (or all three) be played. If none of the pieces are going to get votes, they will all be played.

Ask then the audience to vote.
(they can cry)
(they can cut up their finders)
(They can write on a Piece of paper) etc.

[s. 2]

Play the winning nice on a metronom.

Adagio: 72
Andante: 92
Allegretto: 120
Allegro: 144
Presto: 192

Each movement: 2 minutes.
The metronome has to be played in such away that the audience only can se it BUT NOT HEAR IT.

½ MOVING performed first time 26 april 63

Move people in sections in such a way:

that each member of the audience is moved at minutes intervals.

that each member of the audience will not find the composition crazy and/or amusing.

that each member of the audience sometimes can tolk with the people he wants to talk to and he sometimes cannot.

that each member of the audience is able to lie down, sit down and walk, when he is not moved.

that each member of the audience is not able to lie down, sit down and walk, when he is moved.

that each member of the audience is able to leave the concertroom, when he is not moved.

that each member of the audience is not able to leave the concertroom when he is moved,

that each member of the audience is not able to do by himself just the same moving os he has to do, when the performers want him to do it.

that the place (s) from which the audience is moved and the place (s) to which the audience is moved are as identically as possible.
that the speed of the moving is about 6 km./h. .

[bagside af s. 2]


Medlemmer: gratis
Gæster: 1 kr.

mandag den 27. maj 1963 kl. 19.30

Det kgl. danske Musikkonservatorium, H. C. Andersens Boulevard 36, V.


Axel Borup Jørgensen: Op. 18, musik for slagtøj + bratsch (komp. 1955-56)
bratsch: Terje Torgersen
dirigent: Peter Ernst Lassen

Niccolo Castiglioni: Gymel (komp. 1960)
fløjte: Bente Stein
klaver: Torben Petersen

Timme Ørvad: Introduktion og ostinato (komp. 1965-62)
cello: Anders Grøn
klaver: Jørgen Hald Nielsen

Niels Viggo Bentzon: Toccata op. 10 (komp. 1941)
klaver: komponisten


Bernhard Lewkovitz: Tres Orationes fra ’Missale Romanum’
tenor: Ole Jensen
obo: Bjørn Carl Nielsen
fagot: Asger Svendsen

Ingolf Gabold: Visione efter ’Dante Aligieri Divina Comedia’ (komp. 62)
sopran: Solveig Lumholt
alt: Inger laustian
tenor: Jørn Jørkow
bas: Claus Nørby
Cantilena koret
dirigent: Tamás Vetö

Folke Rabe/Lasse O’Månsson: Piece for talekor
Cantilena koret
dirigent: Tamás Vetö


[s. 3]



Version to the museum ”den Frie” room number 2.

1. Move the audience on a wagon fro “1” to “2” – 10 % each time (i.e.): you have to drive 10 times before all the people are in “2”).

2. Move the audience on a wagon from “2” to “1” – 10 % each time.

3.: 1

4.: 2


The composition is finished, when:
1. The audience becomes less than 10 persons.
2. It becomes impossible for the performers to control the performance.

Audience: min.: 10 persons
max.: 75 persons


The audience is not allowed to stay here

The concertroom

The audience is only allowed to stay here, when it is leaving the concert.

[bagside af s. 3]

den frie udstillingsbygning - københavn


FLUXUS - aften nr. 1 6/6 – kl. 19.30

Eric Andersen: Moving
Henning Christiansen: Inwards - outwards
Dick Higgens: Structure 1961
Henning Christiansen: Structure 1963
John Davidsen: ????????????????????

medvirkende : Arthur Køpcke - John Davidsen – Henning Christiansen - Eric Andersen - gruppe fra eksperimentalmalerskolen.

Fluxus - aften nr. 2 7/6 - kl. 14.00 - 21.00

fra kl. 14.00 til kl. 20.00:

Eric Andersen : Gyorgy Ligeti: ”Trois Bagatelles”

fra kl. 20.00 til kl. 20.30:

Eric Andersen: ”Hommage a Eric Andersen – Acognitive Culture - European Shades - A Part of a Consequence of Absolute Art”.

fra kl. 20.30 til kl. 21.00:

Eric Andersen: Gyorgy Ligeti: ”Trois Bagatelles”.



Engelsk, Dansk

Den sidste opførelse, der nævnes i partituret, er dateret d. 7. juni 1963, så dokumentet er skrevet efter den dato. Placeringen i arkivet sandsynliggør en datering omkring juni/juli 1963.

HC arkiv Møn/HC breve 8