
Henning Christiansen



Tomas Schmit

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Jenslev d. 12/6-64

Dear Tomas

1. audience pieces - colour pieces - group pieces

2. betwen the crossroad and the foyer:

Colour pieces op. 20 c

Paint with water

or it wil rain at 2/30 P.M. 20th of july 64 in Aachen polytechnic AcademY.

Duration: 10 sec.

5 or more performers placed in windows and with water rubber tubing or water hose, syring on the asphalt place. Making different water stain (if no rain)

maybe I will place the lawnmowers there and start them on that signal. Then I need more people. 20 sec. or something like that.

3. I think that I want to perform audience op. 19 b. during the concert 20 P.M. I need 6 assistens or so to walk around giving asking people caramels, chocolate or such thing (I need sweets) and then I need a microphon for asking in different language repeating each 30 sec. other things that can be performed in the same time. I think I will ask for 5 minutes or so.

4. I do not think that Eric and I can go by car. Lisa need my car to earn money and Eric want to go around in europe before the 20th. of july and I am not with him. I think that Addi and I will come together and maybe hitch hiking.

soon I will write more and I will be there saturday morning.

love and so