
Henning Christiansen



Charlotte Moorman

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Dear Charlotte 8/12-

Ja- sorry I have not done enough for you....there was only one newspaper with charlotte and paik aterwards - - but, it was a BIG picture of a small great man and his naked bag, behind him, the photographer.. It was a wonderful concert, we were very glad to meet you and paik. It was the best cage - performance I ever saw, you have my word for this. The man mogens andersen is now chief in the radio and I do think he had been a better man now, you will not have to fight for your money if you came back.
It was a good party, don‘t you think? I mean I could really feel that you like it and it is a good thing maybe an important thing.
We have had Beuys here on PANEL 101 and I am going with bjørn nørgård to beuys i düsseldorf on tuesday to make something and it was nothing as Gertrude stein didn’t said.
I do hope that my friend Per Kirkeby and his wife Elisabeth has have found you and paik in the new-york-jungle, they are wonderful and I have seen many good happenings by him. And many pictures which every one has a poetical story.

Beuys was making his Sibirisches Symfonie nr. 37......

I will send you and paik a piece of opusmusic my one blend:
it is done for a violin and piano
but what is more important is that it is played by a charming person— so I will now prefer that you and paik tryes - - - of course you can make a paik version.... and a booke with, my MODELS is to paik for playing or as he like it (the toy-boing was a good idea) the models is forms the modelsforms to tell that : x = x

oh my nariman I was thankful to see you and paik

this time




HC arkiv Møn/HC breve 8