
Henning Christiansen



Emil Agayev

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Emil Agayev
Suschanskaya 23a-6
Borovichi – 174400

Mr Henning Christiansen
4792 Askeby Mon

[bagside kuvert]

33 85 34 32

3 raagaard

Katapult 10.30
DR 1
ca 21.30

[s. 1]

4792 Askeby Mon

Dar Mr. Henning Christiansen

I wanted to write to you before, but couldn’t decide to do that.
I have one request & maybe it’s possible for you to do that.
I’m an artist, I was born in 1962 in Baku.
I learned about you from J. Beuys, and I saw a pictures with you a Beuys during actions.
Beuys is a titanic figure for Europe, & he has drawn attention to himself here also, but unfortunately not so widely.
Many don’t understand him, & don’t want understand either.
Of course this is because of our society which is closed & chaotic, where they trample young plants & cut off old trees.
There isn’t any information here.
By chance I saw an article of Heinz Stachelhaus in our art magazine about Beuys.
For me it has become very powerful impulse.
Later I wrote to H. Stachelhaus & he sent me with joy one copy in English.
My request deals with you, & you & Beuys’ musical actions & works.
No one sound of Beuys’ or yours I have heard.

[s. 2]

Three months ago I received catalogue “Fluxus in Deutschland 1962-94”, where I could see your works which I hadn’t seen before, & also those discs about which I want to ask you for.
These are:
1. J. Beuys – G. Mazzotta Editore – 1970.
2. J. Beuys/H. Christiansen – Scottische Symphonie. Requiem of Art – 1973
3. Eurasienstab – “fluxorum organum op. 39” – 1967.
4. Abschiedssymphonie – 1987/88
5. Klavierduett J. Beuys & N.J. Paik in memoriam G. Maciunas 1978-1982.
If there is something else, I would be glad to listen them too.
I want to ask you, if it is possible, abuot video cassettes with Beuys’ actions, I have seen only photos.
I asked many times about all these things, but unfortunately without result.
I will be happy if you can help me.
I hope to hear you soon.
Sincerely, Agayev 21-VIII-95

P.S. Now I have lived in Russia (near Nowgorod) for 3,5 years.





HC Arkiv Møn/HC Breve 1