
Henning Christiansen



Wolf Vostell

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12/4 - 65

dear Wolf,

I should like to get some material from you.

Of couse I already have something to show people but I think it is better if you could send me some new thing. The case is that I am trying to make a performance of you here in the middle of Copenhagen, to get money and to make a rally good thing with you, with many people and better arrangements than that idiotic may-exhibition, we need more press and more money.
I am trying to make two theater performances with Paik here in september or october, he had a program with Charlotte Murmann on the cello, and the second night he should do just a new thing. I think I have got enough money for that.
I think I an make a performance for you in nov. or dec. maybe before, but the first point is that you are interested and that you can send me a really interresting picture material.

I have changed my environment and our new apartment is MØNTERGADE 8, Kbh. K. It is in the center of the town and I have a lot of possibility for contact.

Eric and Addi is still against me, but never mind, it has nothing with he case to do.

I should like to go to New York this spring but my money is a problem and I do not think it is so ery important for me to go there. The price is: no money and a lot of debt for a year or more, so take it easy and do other things, that is my viewpoint.

We have just made a happening for 6 days in the Nikolaj Church. We can not be in the big church-room but in the left aisle I have mae it with a lot of paintes and something was bullshit (as Filliou says) but never mind sometimes it is important just to do thing, and it is important for me to get new people to work with.

I am now woring on a exhibition called PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTIONS and it is what interest me to work with.
I should be glad to know what is going on in Germany now, please inform me.

I still have the house in Jenslev, so if you want to live there for some weaks then you and your familiy are my guest.

Lisa is gravid again and we expect a baby in september.

best regards




HC Arkiv Møn/HC breve 8