
Henning Christiansen


Document content

Awaiting summary


LIEGE, le 6 décembre 1979

Parc de la Boverie, 3
4020 LIEGE

Dear artist-friend,

The Fluxus intinerant exhibition of the Di Maggio collection is going off well.

It wil be in Liège, in Saint-George’s Museum, from january the 18th to february the 17th; it will then move to Geneva and Berlin.

We should like you to actively take part in it when it stops in Liège.

As regards the catalog, we need some material, as follows: two pages, format DIN A4, including specific documents of your Fluxus thoughts; they will be published in extensor in a new section called “documents”.

As concerns the pieces to be hung, if you want to modify or complete your participation by sending a new item that would be travelling along with the exhibition, please let us know, and send the reference notice.

We should also like to know whether you wish to take part personally in the performances or concerts to be organized by the “Cirque Divers” jointly with the Town of Liège, the R.T.B. (Belgian Radio and Television system) and the Ministry of Culture (international cultural relations).

If your answer is an affirmative one and you do wish to participate, please let us know as soon as possible, so that we can arrange the activities planning.

The budget of the exhibition does not allow us to spend a lot of money but we shall do our best as regards your journey by rail and your accommodation.

We consider the exhibition as an important one, for Fluxus is one of the more radical movements of the sixties and we should like it to be epoch-making in Liège. We hope it will also be an opportunity for the members of Fluxus to meet again.

Sould you not be able to come over, please convey your instructions as regards the performances, plays or concerts that you should like to be among the coming events.


[s. 2]

To stress the importance of the attitude in the Fluxus movement, we are going to display in the exhibition some specific statements; consequently, we should like to receive one or two statemenst that you consider to be reflexions of Fluxus philosophy.

Could you please be so kind as to send your answers and material to the secretarial office, that is to say: Sécretariat de l’Exposition, Musée du Parc de la Boverie, Parc de la Boverie, 3, B-4020 Liège Belgium, for the attention of Francoise SAFIN-CRAHAY.

The vernissage of the exhibition will take place of Friday the 18th of January, at 6 P.M., in Saint-George’s Museum, 86, en Féronstrée, B-4000 Liège Belgium. The Fluxus concert will take place on Saturday the 19th or Monday the 21st of January.

Yours Sincerely.


Conservateur f.f.





Parc de la Boverie, 3
4020 LIEGE

HC arkiv Møn/HC breve 43