
Henning Christiansen



Dick Higgins

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Jenslev d. 7/7-64

To Dick,

Where are you, my friend? I am waiting for you every day, a hope is a hope, but soon the birds will go back to the north and you will be happy and fat, send me a letter about life on the other side of the world.
soon the sun will come again and yours baby will run around singing in the sky: mother - mother - father - father - where are you?

I do not remember my last letter, I do not think it really was me who has written it. But never mind, I will say about to be a hermit or to hire one: I do not want to be hired by anyone, not because I am proud, but because I am so terrible afraid of the 'mondanité' I hpe you will understand that I am a proletarian. Here in Copenhagen on the Louisiana art-gallery we have had the american pop-art exhibition: Jim Dine, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg, James Rosenquist, Segal, Andy Warhol, Tom Wesselman. And I can say it is not for me, it's too fashionable, the only one is Segal, I like he's idea with gips, Woman in a restaurant Booth is a nice thing and Gottlieb's Wishing Well, has the human-being in it. But what Addi is doing is for me more interesting because of life, because of 'nearly' no pretention. Tell me what you mean about those people? and tell me what I mean about Eric in that situation?

Mr. Ridder (Dutch) was here, talking, he wanted to make classicle Fluxus concerts in Stockholm, Copenhagen and plus, the best pieces with the best performers, stupidity, foolish, classicl! -- no - what shal we do with such people, I do not know but can not follow that thinking.

Maybe you know that we are going to have a happening in Aachen, Tomas S. is the organisator, valdis abolins he's contact. I hope it will be a wonderful-powerful-case: I will perform Danger Music Number 33, this time in this way: couples will be tied up with good rope or string in different ways for instance: back to back (crossed arms) arms to feet, a mans arm(s) to a girls leg(s) and the opposite, arms around diagonally from the pace to the nake, tied so they can only use their legs, etc. it was good with a jazz-band but better with some car-soundhorns played by rytmic people after scores like this:
but of course you can use a gramophone or nothing.

I do hope Allison is producing well? Lisa is on hospital, at first hyperemersis and then bleeding. She has 3 and a half month to the point, but lots of life in her paunch.

lecture number seven

How about Sovjet and China? I think it has the same reason as: me and the N.Y. pop-art. But never mind, I am for the proletarians.

The one of my dogs is killed, she was to bad, It was very easy to kill her, but not easy with the decision. She got poison - syringe and was happy and then dead. She was a nice dog, I love her.
Now I have her son, he is called: VODKA and he is quiet and clever, she has to much energy and could not keep her down, she was 8 years old.

and then a little nice piece

COLOUR - Piece op.20 d
arrange a lot of clothes-pegs on aline
swing with it until all has fallen off.

I love your lect. numb. five --- --- --- uhm/

tell me about joe?

You are living in a stuped country. I am living in a stupid country. All are living in stuped countires.
what is it? who is it? where is it?

see you later