
Henning Christiansen



Nam June Paik

Document content

Awaiting summary


Copenhagen 15/9—65

Hello - Paik

Now we hare the possibility to make the scandinavian-tourné.

at first: it has to be in end of february, in march or in the beginning of april.

2. you must answer me very quickly about dates ( I will give you about one week ) please - - -

the tourné is going to Stockholm - Lund - Oslo ( ? still) - Copenhagen - Ålborg - Århus.

I will write to beuys about it, maybe he has something for you in germany ( maybe scandinavien is enough ? tell me ) tell me too if you want to do different rights in Stockholm and Copenhagen ( I should like it very much )

3. how many money do you need ? (I mean charlotte and you) at first for your yourney (travel) and then for your own mouth and for charlotte two afkurse. ? ?

4. I am trying too to get you in TV here in denmark. There are good possibilities but answer very quickly.

That’s the job

HennIng Christiansen
for DUT

P.S. what a wonderful book Vostell and Becker and thomas has done (rowohlt paperback) I like your symfoni 5 very much. you have a lot of time years how nice to look at, on 17 pages.
regards from addi and tut.





HC Arkiv Møn/HC Breve 1