
Henning Christiansen


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Von: Gridthiya Gaweewong
Gesendet: Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006 05:32:22
CC: bjornstjerne Christiansen, rirkrit tiravanija
Betreff: urgent from bkk / saigon !
Anlage: oct2306finalproposal.pdf (0.14 MB)

Dear Hennig, Ursula and Thorbjorn,

Greetings from Bangkok, and hope this mail finds you well.

I am writing to you regarding the an upcoming project, Saigon Open City, which Rirkrit and I served as a co-artistic director. It will be opened in Ho Chi Minh City next month, 26th November 2006. We would like to focus on Vietnamese artists created since the 1940s till present, and juxtapose them with regional and international art context.

We are interested in including your early works, performances with Joseph Beuys, and colleges in Fluxus movement in the sixties and seventies.

based on the information in the catalogue of your Venice biennale, i would like to know if you stil have some video or
still documentation of these following pieces :

1. Celtic, 1970, academy of art, edinburg
2. ich versuche dich frizulassen ... (machen), 1969, academie der kunste, berlin, (org. Rene Block)
3. Collaboration between Ursula and Hennig with Piano on the stage.
we would also like to show two sound pcs, attached in the catalogue :
4. stone song klang
5. lowland trilogy (1990).

Is it possible to reproduce some picture from the catalogue for the salon exhibition ?

Pls. accept our apology for contacting you in a short notice. Pls. also let us know if you are interested participate in the show. We will ask the office to send an official letter to you directly.

Due to a highly bureaucratic system in Vietnam, we need your CV, concept and the first page of your passport in order to apply a licence to show the works. We all have to these with participating artists including the dead ones!

look forward to hear from you soon, if you have further questions, pis. email to me or call my mobile phone at +6689416507.

with warmest regards,

jeab and rirkrit

gridthiya jeab gaweewong
88/77 Vipavadee Suite, Ladprao 8 Rd.
Jatujak, Bangkok 10900 Thailand
Tel/Fax. + 662 9384935

http://by 105fd.bay 105 105fd%2... 24-10-2006




Ho Chi Minh City

HC Arkiv Møn/HC Breve 1